Hello Friends,
You may have noticed my blog undergoing a makeover (or make"under" depending on how you look at it) these past weeks. I think I may have switched my blog header 4 times (perhaps even more?). Here is a little look at the changes that have been occuring:
Buttons: This was the first blog header I ever created! I took this picture in an antique store in Stillwater. I still like the look of it; I just wanted a change :).
Travel: This header was also inspired from an antique store in Stillwater. It lasted only a few days before I grew tired of it.
Typewriter: This photograph was taken at a bookstore in St. Paul. I like the photograph; it was just a tad too dark for the kind of look I was going for.
Colorful Circles: I actually cut out paper circles and strung them together for this creation. It was only displayed for one day before I got the itch to create a different one!
Floral Ribbon: I used floral ribon as the inspiration for this design. We'll see how long this header lasts :).
My Question to all of you out there: do you have a blog design that you've stuck with for over 6 months? If so, how did you create a design that you don't tire of? I'd love to hear your feedback. Maybe one day I'll create a blog design that I'm perfectly content with having for months. Until then, forgive my constant re-arranging and let me know what you think of past or present designs :).