Sunday, November 7, 2010

Friday To-Dos

Friday was a records day for Hope Academy; a time to work on report cards.  I had all of my report cards done (well, all except 3) before-hand; so Friday was a sort of "free day" for me.  Sometimes I like to fill free days with to-dos. 

Here was my list for this Friday:
1. spend time with Josh (he took a day off too)
2. get a haircut
3. put away laundry
4. bake something delicious
5. sew something...anything
6. write poetry
7. read
8. clean the house

 Here's the list of what actually happened Friday:
1. got a haircut
2. ate left over white chicken chili from Thursday
3. took a nap with Josh
4. went to Ikea
5. went out for dinner
6. drank tea while clothes sat in laundry baskets around my room.

So even though I did not sew or bake or do other creative things.  I spent time with my husband, I ventured outside the list, and I had a lovely unproductive day. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes to unproductive days! I have a good many of those...
