Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thankful for a (dead) Mouse

Days had passed and still...no mouse (but no pythons either so it was okay).  Josh had spent a lot of time, energy, and a good chunk of change to catch this thing.  Well, we had put our mouse business aside for Monday evening because our small group was meeting at our place.  Our group has been meeting in our home since September.  Twelve of us come together to discuss the Bible, pray, and share our lives with each other.  October 18th was no ordinary small group.  I just so happened to have my camera in the living room :).   

  We seem to have lured in another member to the group with the smell of popcorn on the coffee table.  In the middle of giving our updates and prayer requests someone yelled "MOUSE" and within seconds all of the girls were standing on the couch and filling our home with high-pitched screams!  The guys leaped into action by storming the mouse into the bathroom.  This made the girls calm down for a few brief seconds until the boys decided they were going to try and terminate this mouse immediately.  Poor Garrett was in the bathroom attempting to identify the whereabouts of the mouse when the furry little guy ran up his leg.....HIS LEG!  He shook him off of course and the mouse proceeded to run wildly through our living room giving us girls another chance to strengthen our vocal chords.  The chase ended with a loud swat from Josh who bravely killed the mouse with a broom.  He said he went quickly; he also said he was "kind of cute".  I felt a little sad and a little triumphant at the same time.  The mouse is dead (Josh made sure of that) and I haven't laughed so hard in months.  Sharing life with people can be very entertaining.

*Photo credit to Emilie Toll

1 comment:

  1. haha!!! This is hilarious!! Gosh, I would become a total noodle if I thought the mouse was cute. Kudos to Josh!!
