Sunday, February 6, 2011


It is easy to see God in the midst of miracles (an unexplainable case of cancer cured, walking away from a disaster without a scratch, etc..).  Last Monday the Hope staff reflected upon the seemingly ordinary daily provisions of God in our lives.  We began to recall God's goodness and faithfulness to us throughout our days.  I have been pondering these very provisions this week.  It has made me stand in awe of a God who not only cares about the "big" things in our lives, but His hands are in every detail too.

Here are just a few (extra)ordinary ways God cares me for in a day:
1. Every morning I wake up (in a warm bed, in a warm house and I've gotten a good night's sleep!).
2. When I open the refrigerator to search for breakfast I have a plethora of options before me that will keep me nourished and strengthen my body.
3. Josh drives me to work and we both arrive to our jobs safely(even though he drives 60 mph on the icy highways along with the rest of the morning traffic).
4. Teachers, staff and students smile at me in the hallways, share words of encouragement and pray for me.
5. God again provides food for me and baby at lunch; I also get to eat lunch with some pretty adorable kiddos.
6. I am driven home safely (yet again).
7. I have an amazing, loving husband to cook dinner with and a wonderful Jemimah who sings as she sets the table.
8. Our family can eat together and share stories from our day.
9. I am able to fall asleep snuggled up to my best friend.
10. Not only has God provided all of these daily necessities for me but He also has been knitting together a little life inside of me and providing for our baby!

Throughout the day my heart has beat an average of 100,000 times a day; I have taken an average of 20,000 breaths a day and all without stopping or having to remember to do this to function!

"nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything."  
-Acts 17:25

Knowing these things and remembering them are quite different.  I want to recall God's love for me in the mundane details of every day.  It's easy to complain when I've had a "hard day"; but really, how can I when He's done so much for me and continues to lavish His love and grace on me?  Remembering these things has the ability to shut my mouth pretty quickly.  I'm thankful God forgives my grumbling and helps me to understand His love in new refreshing ways.  Oh how He loves us! 

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